Al, I get it! (2012)

for electronic ensemble, with 'macchina da scrivere'
(microlude for typewriter, synth mandolin, synth banjo, dulcimer, sitar, celesta, synth harp, harpsichord, synth piano, xilophone, snare drum, bass tom-tom)


track on soundcloud



Al, I get it!   is a part of a suite called   noisy triptych


I. “per me un dodecaffeinato, grazie”

microludio per macchina da caffè, sacchetto di carta, timpani, pianoforte e cinque archi
microlude for coffee machine, paper bag, timpani, piano and five strings


II. “yes, you can play (until it goes..)”

microludio per pianoforte, clavicembalo e avviamento di motosega
microlude for piano, harpsichord and starting of chainsaw


III. “Al, I get it!”

microludio per macchina da scrivere, synth mandolin, synth banjo, dulcimer, sitar, celesta, synth harp, clavicembalo, synth piano, xilofono, rullante, bass tom-tom
microlude for typewriter, synth mandolin, synth banjo, dulcimer, sitar, celesta, synth harp, harpsichord, synth piano, xilophone, snare drum, bass tom-tom

extracts from score

2012-01-al-i-get-it-score-01 2012-01-al-i-get-it-score-02 2012-01-al-i-get-it-score-03 2012-01-al-i-get-it-score-04